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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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ÕÍÍÍÍÍ[ Amiga Aminet CDROM, March 1994 edition. Walnut Creek CDROM. ]ÍÍÍ͸
³ Directory of Directories - Select Your Choice(s) By Number ³
You may download any individual area with a ".DIR" extension
1.DIR 2.DIR 3.DIR 4.DIR...31.DIR
³ ³
³ 1 Professional: database 2 Professional: demos ³
³ 3 Professional: miscellaneous 4 Professional: patch ³
³ 5 Communication: bulletin boards 6 Communication: Dialog BBS ³
³ 7 Communication: Excelsior! BBS 8 Communication: Envoy networks ³
³ 9 Communication: fidonet 10 Communication: mail ³
³ 11 Communication: miscellaneous 12 Communication: networking ³
³ 13 Communication: Usenet news 14 Communication: terminals ³
³ 15 Communication: Univ. Msg. Sys. 16 Communication: UUCP news, mail ³
³ 17 Eurodemos: miscellaneous 18 Eurodemos: The Gathering '93 ³
³ 19 Development: AMOS The Creator 20 Development: assembly language ³
³ 21 Development: C 22 Development: cross-development ³
³ 23 Development: debugging 24 Development: documents ³
³ 25 Development: "E" language 26 Development: GNU C compiler ³
³ 27 Development: GUI builders 28 Development: misc. languages ³
³ 29 Development: Modula-2 30 Development: miscellaneous ³
³ 31 Development: M\L monitors 32 Development: Oberon ³
³ 33 Development: source code 34 Disk utils: back-up ³
³ 35 Disk utils: caching 36 Disk utils: cdrom ³
³ 37 Disk utils: copiers 38 Disk utils: miscellaneous ³
³ 39 Disk utils: monitors 40 Disk utils: optimization ³
³ 41 Disk utils: salvage 42 Games: demos ³
³ 43 Games: gags and novelties 44 Games: hints and solutions ³
³ 45 Games: platform games 46 Games: miscellaneous ³
³ 47 Games: patches 48 Games: role-playing ³
³ 49 Games: shoot-em-ups 50 Games: strategy ³
³ 51 Graphics: raytracing 52 Graphics: 3d objects ³
³ 53 Graphics: animations 54 Graphics: file conversion ³
³ 55 Graphics: editors 56 Graphics: fractals ³
³ 57 Graphics: miscellaneous 58 Graphics: Opalvision ³
³ 59 Graphics: PBM converter 60 Graphics: displayers ³
³ 61 Graphics: X-windows 62 Hardware: announcements ³
³ 63 Hardware: drivers 64 Hardware: hacks ³
³ 65 Hardware: miscellaneous 66 Hardware: diagnostics ³
³ 67 Information: Aminet sites 68 Information: introduction ³
³ 69 Information: statistics 70 Miscellaneous: German magazine ³
³ 71 Miscellaneous: educational 72 Miscellaneous: emulation ³
³ 73 Miscellaneous: mathematics 74 Miscellaneous: miscellaneous ³
³ 75 Miscellaneous: science 76 Miscellaneous: UNIX ³
³ 77 Music modules: top ten 78 Music modules: miscellaneous ³
³ 79 Music: editors 80 Music: MIDI ³
³ 81 Music: miscellaneous 82 Music: players ³
³ 83 Music: samples 84 OS2.x only: shell utils ³
³ 85 OS2.x only: graphics 86 OS2.x only: utilities ³
³ 87 OS2.x only: Workbench utils 88 OS3.x only: shell utils ³
³ 89 OS3.x only: datatypes 90 OS3.x only: graphics ³
³ 91 OS3.x only: utilities 92 OS3.x only: Workbench utils ³
³ 93 Pictures: animation 94 Pictures: Guardian's raytraces ³
³ 95 Pictures: illustrations 96 Pictures: IRC regulars ³
³ 97 Pictures: miscellaneous 98 Pictures: raytraces ³
³ 99 Pictures: Workbench examples 100 Pictures: women ³
³101 Text: announcements 102 Text: documents ³
³103 Text: desktop publishing 104 Text: fonts ³
³105 Text: hypertext 106 Text: online magazines ³
³107 Text: miscellaneous 108 Text: printer utils ³
³109 Text: viewers 110 Text: Donald E Knuth's TeX ³
³111 Text: word processing 112 Utilities: archival ³
³113 Utilities: benchmarks 114 Utilities: screen blankers ³
³115 Utilities: shells, utils 116 Utilities: conversion utils ³
³117 Utilities: encryption 118 Utilities: directory utils ³
³119 Utilities: editors 120 Utilities: GNU utils ³
³121 Utilities: libraries 122 Utilities: miscellaneous ³
³123 Utilities: monitors 124 Utilities: mouse handlers ³
³125 Utilities: disk packers 126 Utilities: AREXX ³
³127 Utilities: shell utils 128 Utilities: virus checkers ³
³129 Utilities: Workbench utils ³
³ ³
Just press "A" to pick your choices or "Enter" to continue
³To List a Directory use L 1 2 5 6 7 10 17 28 31 (ie., the Dirs you want) ³
³Download - #.Dir for Directory Listing of your choice - where the # is ³
³ the Directory Number you want to download. ³